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What we are hoping to accomplish…

The Stavrosian families are reaching out to all that know who they are or think they know. What is it you ask? Let me first tell you a short story of who the Stavrosians are. You are most certainly not going to believe what I'm going to tell you. That's alright; l'm not trying to convince you of anything. I am however trying to find lost Stavrosians and their families.

A man named Jack Stavros was a direct relative of the crew of a downed research craft that was sent to Earth from the planet Stavros. The craft as it has been told, had a navigation problem that ended with a crash. The crash landed the crew on the Island of lcaria.

The crew that survived the crash made friends with the locals. With their help the crew was able to bury the ship and hide it from the world. By all accounts it is still hidden on the Island. After the Stavrosian crew helped the locals fight off their oppressors they started to explore the world they were now stuck on. The Stavrosian men took Earth women as wives and had children. This started a new life for them and a new race of human hybrid that has survived for over 220 years. The decendents of the Stavrosian family have migrated to different parts of the world. Some of the families and individuals know exactly who they are and the connection they have to the Stavrosian research crew. Many of them know each other or know of each other.

This writing is an attempt to make contact with the other families or individuals that also know who they are as well as find those that think they know. Many people have Stavrosian roots, they just don't know it. They were never told by the Elders. This was the secret that was not told in order to protect the hybrids from being discovered. Today the hybrids are safer than ever before.

The hybrid men and women have entered into all types of industry. They are part of all faiths. They live among purebred humans without detection. The only outward activity the   families engage in is called ''First Life'' This is a celebration of life given by God. We celebrate life first, without it there is nothing.

Stavrosian characteristics include some physical as well as psychic ability. Not all share the same traits.

If you are questioning whether you are a decendent you should; research your past, look into your heart, question whether or not you know you are different from others. There are a few tests that can help determine your connection to Stavros. Once you discover your connection you can join in on the First Life Celebration and you will have the opportunity to register as a known family or individual.

We look forward to hearing from you. More details will be made available in time.

I know you are out there.


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